Its to no surprise to the older folk that people of a certain age (older than 50) do actualy want to date, and heaven forbid they actually have sex !!!

As the divorce rate has doubled since the 1990s in over 50s its now not uncommon for the grandads and grannies amonst us to use dating platforms like and POF, Tinder and also maybe the more raunchy Granny Sex Finder. The search for a partner doesnt just stop and maybe to the horror of the grandkids sex doesnt just stop at 50…
Many over 50s join outside groups, music or dance, where peoples hobbies maybe match one another, thats said with the recent lockdowns many have turned towards the internet as outside meetups of groups have been cancelled for a while.
The most popular dating apps like have seen a huge increase in online applications and subscriptions to their dating apps. As people sit at home bored and wondering what to do, a quick visit to a dating app can pass the time and bring back some excitement into the boring lockdown days.
When the locksdowns stopped, millions of over 50s have started to come outside of their homes and actually meet up with their lockdown buddies who they befriended only during the covid pandemic.
So be warned you kids, granny still loves dating and she probably still wants to get her leg over now and then, so dont be shocked when someone shows you grannies profile online 🙂