Over the last decade, there has been an increase in technology and more specifically the use of lockdowns that have taken over our lives.

According to a study conducted by Dr. Zara Bergstrom “On average, we found that people who were sent sexts and images felt less positive about themselves than those who never received them.”
This sexting has become a new trend in sexting, and sexting is constantly on the increase due to the use of lockdowns.
This study also found that sexts and images were sent more than ever before with 52% of people sexting compared to 38% in 2005. This means that sexting has become more of a casual activity for sexting couples, and sexting may have replaced dating.
This new trend in sexting has sext-lockdowns on the increase because sexts and images are being sent more than ever before with 52 percent of people sexting compared to 38 percent in 2005. This means that sexting has become a casual activity for sexting couples, and sexting may have replaced dating. Sexts often contain personal information about yourself making it easy for people to dox you if they wanted too.
In sexting if you want to sext someone, make sure they are a trusted person and friend who won’t dox you. Learn the laws about sexting in your country and state before sexting someone or sexting anyone at all. Check out this site for an overview on sexting laws: http://www.isafe.org/
This study found that there were no reported incidences of bullying resulting from sexts compared to physical bullying which occurs from 7 percent to 9 percent of cases across all forms of dating. Being bullied through sexts may lead people to feel more negative about themselves than those who never received them, but sexts don’t lead to sext-lockdowns. Make sure sexting is consensual between both people sexting before sexting anyone at all.